Her - High-performance Enhanced Rendering Hao123前端高性能渲染解决方案

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Her (High-performance Enhanced Rendering) is a Pagelet and Bigpipe like implement, to provide High-performance Rendering in web pages, which inspried by Fackbook’s BigPipe: Pipelining web pages for high performance.

Her is made up of 3 parts, the build tool, the backend output controller and the frontend render controller. The build tool is based on FIS. The backend output controllers are FirstController, QuicklingController and NoScriptController, in which FirstController provide 4 render modes (server|lazy|default|none). And the frontend render controller can load resources and render HTML snippet on demands.

The current implement is for PHP + Smarty. And this repo is the code of the build tool. The backend and frontend runtime code are here - her-runtime.

Hao123前端高性能渲染解决方案(Her)是一个为提升页面加载和渲染性能而设计的通用解决方案,实现了 Pagelet 和类 Bigpipe 输出渲染控制。

Her 由编译工具、后端输出控制和前端渲染控制组成,目前提供了基于 PHP 和 Smarty 的实现。其中编译工具基于 FIS 实现,继承了 FIS 强大的前端构建能力;后端输出控制提供了FirstController|QuicklingController|NoScriptController 3种输出控制器,分别处理基础页请求、局部 Quickling 请求和 NoScript 请求,其中 FirstController 提供 server|lazy|default|none 4种输出模式,方便实现首屏优化、模块开关等;前端渲染控制实现了资源加载、Pagelet 按需渲染和动态打包(planning)。通过对页面进行细粒度分块,收集区块的 HTML 片段、JS、CSS 等资源,后端输出控制和前端按需渲染,极大的增强了前端性能优化的能力。其设计方案和架构图如下: Her 设计方案 Her 系统架构图

本仓库为 Her 的构建工具代码,前后端运行时代码见 her-runtime

Docs / Get Start

Her已经兼容fis-plus,请查看 FISP模块迁移文档


Her 通过实现以下核心能力来解决前端性能优化:


Her 适用于采用 Smarty 作为后端模板的 PC 和 Mobile 页面。


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BigPipe: Pipelining web pages for high performance